Adress 010000,Astana city, Kunaev str., 6
Call-center 8 (7172) 60-30-30
8 (7172) 60-32-52
2310 / 28.12.2016 00:00

The movement of trains was restored

27 December, after receiving information about the incident to the Babatai station promptly arrived two recovery trains from Astana and Karaganda.

Workers of all services of Akmola and Karaganda branches immediately were involved to the incident place.

The railroaders had to operate in a special mode, take all measures in order to clear the way.

Thanks to prompt actions, six hours after the incident the way was opened for the operation of trains. In an extreme situation (night-time, weather conditions) to restore train traffic would have gone much longer.

“We arrived in time. Using our techniques, a new telescopic boom crane, two tractors, all necessary facilities were able to raise the railcars. Thanks to the coordinated work of the team” — said the head of emergency trains of Astana Marat Beisenov.

Employees of station, branch of JSC “NC “KTZ” — “Directorate of highway network” worked in the strengthened mode. In the station building had been installed additional seats. More than 50 passengers with children were placed in the special room.

Constantly every three minutes the speakers were notified on the system of loud-speaking communication about the delay of trains due to technical reasons.

As at 04 hours 30 minutes 28 December all passengers who wished to continue the trip, was sent. Currently the station is operating normally.

27 December, to transport passengers from Osakarovka to Astana was allocated about 10 buses. 250 passengers refunded the cost of the train ticket.

Press Service
of “KTZ-Freight transportation” JSC

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